How Future Proof Is Your Job?

I have been aware recently of the ever increasing number of technologies becoming available to do the work that humans have traditionally done. It is not a new thing however, for thousands of years we have created new machines and technologies to do the work of humans. Agriculture is a prime example. Humans used to be hunter gatherers. Everyone was involved in the growing and harvesting of food. We then created all manner of machinery to do this for us so that now; instead of everyone growing and harvesting food, almost no one does. Yet we still have enough for everyone. Machines therefore have given us the freedom to go and do other things which has meant that our economies have grown and people have had more choice when it comes to what they do with their lives.
There are now robots working in warehouses moving stock around making forklift truck driving a redundant occupation. There are tests being carried out at the moment on driver-less cars. If cars can be driver-less then we will no longer need taxi drivers, or delivery drivers or driving instructors. Many of the laborious jobs in factories have been done by robots for a long time now replacing the need for lines of humans working peace time. Retail has seen the cashier being replaced by automated tills, where 30 people used to work, one person now oversees 30 machines. Mechanical muscle it seems is flexing. But is it just mechanical muscle?
Artificial intelligence is moving in to take on brain power. There are now robots being produced that can learn. Baxter is a robot that learns what you do from watching you do it and then copying you. Although very slow at the moment it costs a tiny amount to run so if it takes 10 times as long to do a job as you, it is still worth replacing you because it costs 100 times less than your annual salary.
Machines are now also learning from each other. They are out-performing their human counterparts in numerous fields. They don't make mistakes, they don't get tired or loose concentration and they don't cost nearly as much as humans to employ. There are no HR concerns, pensions or holiday pay or sick leave to cover and they never complain.
If you think it is just manual labour they will replace then think again. Lawyers spend a lot of time going through reams of paperwork to find patterns or something out of place. Machines can do this far more quickly and accurately. IBM have a robot called Watson. He thinks and reasons things out. He was seen on TV's jeopardy outsmarting the humans. His real job though is a doctor. He is already giving guidance on Lung Cancer treatments but he is being programmed to listen to what you say in your own words and then give an accurate diagnosis.
Analysts and report writers are already being made redundant. There are now lots of robots that can create content, music, art and designs. In blind tests people do not recognise which ones are done by the robots. Even this article could have been created by a bot, it certainly can be re-spun and re-produced by a bot, marketers use these tools every day.
So whether you are a manual worker, a transport worker, a white-collar worker or a professional - how future proof is your job? You are probably wondering now whether there is a safe industry to get into that would protect you from the march of the machines?
The answer is probably the internet. Humans are becoming more and more internet based every day. Social media has replaced the traditional means of communication, food is ordered online, taxis are operated via apps and companies now have to have an online presence if they are to be taken seriously. Learning how to work online or getting some of the skills that are going to be needed in the future is worth considering. If you can build a website or run an advertising campaign or look after an organisations Facebook and Twitter page then you will likely find employment in the new digital age.
One thing is certain, machines are coming. They will take over more and more of our jobs in the very near future. Don't say you weren't warned.
If you are concerned that your job might not be future proof then take the opportunity to learn some new skills for the digital age.
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